Industrious Flair

Industrious Flair


Treading New Water

Hello everyone. I thought it was finally time to make another one of these posts. We've done a lot since releasing the first demo a few months ago, so I'll go ahead and show all of that off now. No, there isn't a new playable demo yet, but that will come soon enough when it's ready. For now, enjoy this video.

There were complaints about not having enough control of the character, so there are four major things that we've added. These are:

Dashing - You can press A, S, or double tap either direction to dash. It makes you go twice as fast for a limited amount of time. It's basically just like Mega Man X dashing, because that game got it perfect.

Wall jumping - Just be facing a wall while holding the same direction and then press the jump button to jump off walls. This isn't like Mega Man X wall jumping, since you won't be able to go straight up on just one wall. You have to go back and forth between two walls to keep gaining height.

Crouching - Yes, you can finally crouch in this game. You just hold down. Your hit box is way shorter like this, so you can dodge enemies or bullets. The dashing hit box is also the same as the crouching hit box, so dashing can dodge attacks in the same way. You can shoot out of crouching, but you can't use the sword or move.

Sword attack - There was a secret unlockable sword at the end of the last playable demo, but since then it has been reworked. The animation is changed, and looks a lot smoother. Basically, the sword does more damage than your gun, but it isn't long range. You can use the sword and the gun at any time using two separate buttons. This allows for smoother gameplay, and you don't have to fumble with menus to switch between the two.

Here's what we won't be adding:

Angled shooting - This simply isn't what we want for this game. After adding those other abilities, we feel that this would be over kill. It's as simple as that.

You'll notice in the video some of the sewer area we've been working on. A lot of the maps are filled with water, so you'll have to make it to the next air pocket to refill your air meter before you drown. It's pretty simple. You just have to not waste time.

There's also rushing water all over the place. Standing on these areas will make you move in the direction the water is flowing. They're kind of like conveyor belts. Also, crouching on these will prevent you from being pushed by the water, so that's a trick to keep in mind if you're trying to fight.

This next area is like a big junk yard, and the humans who live there have it rough. They're basically hobos.

Then there's Magnilda, the overseer of the Junk Yard who works for Machine Corp. Her helper, Olvent, is next to her. They'll be the bad guys for this section.

And that's about it for now. Check back later for more updates(well don't expect TOO much, I'm lazy when it comes to updating this...). Once we finish the next chunk of levels, we may release a new playable demo so people can test out all these new changes.


Industrious Flair - Alpha Demo Release!


The time has come, folks! We're a bit late, but at least we delivered, huh? Let's jump right into it. Go ahead and download the game demo right here!

This is Industrious Flair - Alpha Demo 1.0 version.

Rather than trying to talk about everything that's new, I'll just turn this post into a bit of an image dump.

I should probably make this clear by stating again that THIS IS ONLY AN EARLY DEMO. That means that we have a long long way to go until the entire game is complete. But don't worry because we show no signs of stopping. The rest of the game is already planned out, so we'll be able to jump right back into development soon!



UPDATE: We got Twiiter:
(yeah, we finally got one. Follow us there as another way to get updates!)

Yes, it has been a while. But we have been hard at work. And now we're just about ready to release the first playable demo for everyone to try.

You can expect to play Industrious Flair this week!(or at least this month! We promise!)


We're Not Dead

Yeah, so I haven't made an update post in a long time. This isn't gonna be a big post either, but I wanted to let everyone know that we haven't stopped working on the game. However, we have been been greatly distracted by the Wii U, particularly with MiiVerse. If anyone wants to find us on there, here are our accounts.
I'm Logan with uebo7_U as my Nintendo Network ID.
Eddie's ID is sseddie13.
But on top of that, my laptop has finally entered its final days of functioning, making it hard to do much on it. I'll hopefully be getting a new one within the next two weeks.

So anyway I haven't got a video, but here are some pictures to look at.

These are all of the enemies that we've made so far that are also fully functional in-game. The enemies that were previously shown now have improved AI compared to how they were in the last video you've seen them in.

Here's some shots of them in-game.

That's about all I can show for now. I probably won't be doing strictly week-by-week updates anymore because at the point we're at now, it's becoming hard to always show progress. Lots of stuff gets done behind the scenes in the code and in the planning, but trying to blog about that kind of stuff becomes a chore.