Industrious Flair

Industrious Flair


We're Not Dead

Yeah, so I haven't made an update post in a long time. This isn't gonna be a big post either, but I wanted to let everyone know that we haven't stopped working on the game. However, we have been been greatly distracted by the Wii U, particularly with MiiVerse. If anyone wants to find us on there, here are our accounts.
I'm Logan with uebo7_U as my Nintendo Network ID.
Eddie's ID is sseddie13.
But on top of that, my laptop has finally entered its final days of functioning, making it hard to do much on it. I'll hopefully be getting a new one within the next two weeks.

So anyway I haven't got a video, but here are some pictures to look at.

These are all of the enemies that we've made so far that are also fully functional in-game. The enemies that were previously shown now have improved AI compared to how they were in the last video you've seen them in.

Here's some shots of them in-game.

That's about all I can show for now. I probably won't be doing strictly week-by-week updates anymore because at the point we're at now, it's becoming hard to always show progress. Lots of stuff gets done behind the scenes in the code and in the planning, but trying to blog about that kind of stuff becomes a chore.