Industrious Flair

Industrious Flair


Warning: Boss Approaching

Hey people, I'm here with another update. This time we've got more to show than last week. First, the video:

So yeah, the coolest thing we did was create the first boss fight. It's also nice to see some actual gameplay for once. We didn't want the first boss to be too easy so it's kinda tricky, but like most bosses, there's a pattern to it. We want the boss fights to be the kind that are easy after you know what to do. So this boss alternates between firing a laser and dropping bombs over you. You can't damage him while he's charging the laser though, so you've got to try getting hits in while also dodging the laser.

 Here's a better look at the boss. That's the dude who pilots it.

Oh yeah, and the beginning of the video features what will be the starting area. We didn't go overboard with the size, so it's just a few houses. There's also a neat fountain thing.
And lastly, I can't forget to mention that we finally made some sound effects for the game. You can hear them in the video.

So that's it for now. Check back next week for another update.


Making Houses

Well there's honestly not much to show off this week. That's partly because we spent half of the weekend playing the Wii U (which is pretty cool. Gotta love New super Rehash New Super Mario Bros!).  It's also because I spent a lot of time writing the story and fixing glitches that no one even knew existed.
So anyway, let's get to the point of this post. We got houses! Check it out in the newest update video below.

Obviously it's empty at the moment. For now it just serves as a basic template for the design. Below you can see some different variations on the same kind of house.

We also increased the characters jump height to make the potential for platforming greater. Either way, it's hard to tell what's right for that until we start making the actual levels which will hopefully be soon. There's still a lot of work to do though, like making more kinds of enemies, sprites, etc.

And that's it for now. Check back next week for another update.


Get Them Feet Wet

Here I am, back with another update.  I'll just post the video first.

We got these metal/concrete things now. Some of them are in the air suspended by stuff in the background, and others can just be placed in the ground for aesthetics. The Parallax in the background has been tweaked a little bit to look more realistic as well

Jump-through platforms work now, too, and you can press down and jump to fall through them.

 That's a jump-through platform on the bottom right above the water.

 There are also animations for the water which didn't even exist before. The water basically slows you down a little bit when you walk in it and let's you jump a bit higher. There's going to be a breath meter in the final game and an upgrade that takes it away allowing you to get to secret areas or something.

The HP is displayed at the top left of the screen. There will be HP upgrades, so here's a picture showing how that will look.

And that's all for now. Check back later for more updates.


Fleshing Things Out

Here's a quick post with another video showing off the things we've put together this week. First, the video:

 We're now calling this the Power Plant Project until we come up with an actual name.

The background for this area is finally done, or at least it is for now. It's no longer just a solid purple color, and instead has clouds, factories, and a touch of yellow. There are also a bunch of pipes strewn in through the ground. They're pretty cluttered here, but it's only a test map after all. You can see the different kinds of details we've made so that each pipe can look different.

I've been messing around with a few things, and managed to come up with two useful things: conveyer belts, and fans. The conveyer belts work like any other conveyer belt you've seen in a game. Some push you left, and some push you right. It's pretty simple. The fans actually came about by accident, but they're still pretty neat. They basically just push you up if you're in the area above them. Eddie hasn't done proper art for them yet, so in the meantime you can look at the bullshit I was able to make.

And that about wraps up this update. Check back later for more. I'm thinking about making this a weekly thing, but I guess that depends on how much stuff gets done each week.